I came across Santa Chapelle quit by accident, I had just been to see the building site that was Notre Dame when I saw a sign for the church, being ever inquisitive I went to explore. You enter the chapel through the crypt and the atmosphere there was stunning. I bought my ticket and was about to ascend the narrow staircase when I saw the family in front of me. Two teenage girls with their parents, I was slight bemused to see the parents blindfolding there children before going upstairs. I had to follow them, the parents guided the girls up the stairs and lead them to the centre of the church and took their blindfolds up, their expressions on their faces said it all, ore and total astonishment. uch as my reaction was, a high vaulted room, with every available surface covered in rich colourful decoration only separated by tall narrow stain glassed windows again highly decorated. Light flooding in a rainbow of cascading colours. Utterly sensational.